What Things You Need to Do After Shoulder Arthroscopy?

Shoulder arthroscopy is one of the most common types of surgery that are used for diagnosing and treating different kinds of shoulder problems. During shoulder arthroscopy, the specialist generally repairs damaged or injured shoulder joints just by making a small incision. This is an outpatient process, which means you can go back home on a similar day.

Although, you will need a few weeks or months to get a full recovery. It is ideal to find a well-known Arthroscopy surgeon in Delhi, or wherever you live, to treat your shoulder problem effectively. Below, I’m going to share some vital things that you can do after shoulder surgery.

Post-Operative Care for Shoulder Surgery

After shoulder surgery, a sling is used for limiting the motion of your shoulder joint and helping the operated area to heal fast. You should wear your sling directed by your surgeon. Here are some things that you should do to get a fast recovery after shoulder surgery, such as:

·         Avoid reaching, lifting, pushing, or pulling the shoulder at least for six weeks after the surgery.

·         An individual who is recently undergone shoulder surgery should avoid reaching behind their back with their operated shoulder.

·         It is good to remove your arm from the sling to bend and strengthen your elbow and move your fingers various times throughout the day.

·         You should also remove your sling while bathing, dressing, and performing elbow range of motion many times regularly.

Your Diet

It is good to eat a light diet after the surgery as well as the next day. You should also resume eating a regular diet as soon as you endure it.

Pain Management

After leaving the hospital, the specialist will provide a prescription for pain medications. You should take your pain medicine as prescribed by your doctor.

Ice Therapy

It is good to purchase a cold pack machine that comes with a sleeve and is attached to an ice cooler. If you don’t want this, use an ice bag to ice your injured shoulder.

While using ice therapy for your shoulder problem, here are some things that you should do include:

·         Keep ice on the shoulder for 48-72 hours after the surgery.

·         It is great to ice your shoulder two to three times per day for the first week. You can do this before going to bed.

·         You should keep a t-shirt or thin towel between you and your sleeve to avoid any kind of injury.

Caring for Surgical Incision

·         After 48 hours of shoulder arthroscopy, you can remove the dressing and shower.

·         Avoid getting into a tub or swimming pool and keep your wound away from water for a few weeks.

·         If you are noticing swelling, drainage in your wound, and pain, then consult your surgeon as soon as possible.

·         If you have redness around your operated areas after the five days of surgery, you should contact your doctor.

These are some important things that you can do after shoulder arthroscopy. You can find one of the most popular doctors for performing shoulder arthroscopy in Delhi, or elsewhere.


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