What’s Everything You Need to Know About Meniscus Surgery?

 Meniscus is a surgical process that is used for removing or replacing torn meniscus. It happens due to damage to the menisci. it is very common in athletes, but people after a certain age can also face this problem as a natural degradation. Several conservative treatments are available, such as rest, ointments, pain medicines, physical therapy, and more for treating this problem.

Based on your conditions and other health factors, a professional can suggest surgery. It is ideal to find the Best meniscus surgeon in South Delhi, or wherever you live, to perform surgery. Now, look to know some important things about meniscus surgery.

Symptoms of a Torn Meniscus

There are some common signs of the meniscus that you should know, including:





Having pain in the joint line is a severe condition. If you are feeling this, you should immediately undergo meniscus surgery. The treatment option for meniscus surgery also depends on several factors, including:

Patient’s age

Activity level

Patient’s condition and more

How Can You Diagnose the Problem?

When you make an official visit to a clinic, they first ask about your condition. After knowing your health conditions, they will recommend a physical examination such as blood tests, X-rays, and other tests to know about your situation in detail.

When You Should Consider Meniscus Surgery?

Meniscus surgery is one of the most effective surgical processes that help to improve your quality of life. When you didn’t get any improvement after taking conservative treatments or your condition is becoming worst day by day, you should undergo meniscus surgery to come back to your activity level as soon as possible.

How to Prepare Yourself for Meniscus Surgery?

You should also follow all the instructions that your doctor has recommended before the surgery.  A person who wants to undergo a meniscus operation, generally needs to consider the following factors before surgery, like:

If you take any medicines or have an allergy, tell your doctor. Medicine like aspirin or other blood thinners can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery, so you must avoid or stop to take these kinds of medicine.

You should call your friend or family to stay with you in the hospital. They will help to drive to your home after the surgery.

Follow a healthy diet for a fast recovery.  

Recovery Process After Meniscus Surgery              

After a successful meniscus surgery, you would have to wear a cast or brace. It is also good to use crutches for supporting your knee joint. Avoid putting weight on your knee. As per your doctor's recommendation, you can take physical therapy for improving your motion and strengthening your knee. If you have undergone for partial or total meniscus operation, you generally need a month for recovery. People who underwent entire meniscus repair, need at least 3 months for a full recovery.

Meniscus surgery is one of the best treatment options to treat a torn meniscus. If you are facing torn meniscus problem, find the Best meniscus surgeon in Gurugram, or elsewhere, to take the best treatment.


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